Building a Home in the U. S. Virgin Islands? Why not drop by and visit today? Home Building In The Virgin Islands: Estate Clairmont Overlook

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Estate Clairmont Overlook

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From a friend's house some 140 feet higher in elevation than we are, you can make out our house (walls w/o roof) on the flat knoll top, just above center in the photo. Our new friends have an incredible view of both the North and South shores of St. Croix. They, Jim & Liz, are two of the three partners that comprise JET Development Corporation, a construction company building homes and additions, they also do remodelling work as well.
Further below on the crest of a hill, with the serpentine driveway surrounded by a burned-out lawn, is the visitors center for the Salt River National Historic Park. Somewhere on that beach below; either the far shore of the Salt River, dubbed "The Cape of the Arrows" by Chris Columbus himself when he set foot in the New World for the second time in two years, this second voyage taking place in the year 1493. This is actually the only documented (three separate, written accounts) evidence of his voyage, or his landing spot.


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